Friday, July 10, 2009

Sea to shining Sea

Made it! Coast to Coast, Sea to Shining Sea. 4600 miles of road, 100s of gallons of fuel, 3 cars, 23 Bud Lights, 18x 3 course meals, and two parents later...

Set off from Bishop, CA yesterday morning, and drove the 300+ miles through Yosemite and over the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The Yosemite Falls waterfall was impressively low on water... in fact, to say 'waterfall' is an exaggeration. More of a trickle. The last time we were here (early June) it was in full flood and was impressive in its majesty...

The roads through the park and over the Sierra's were windy and very interesting - who said the Americans only build straight roads! You're wrong... Of course the Five-o were out making sure you weren't having a good time. There is some absolutely incredible scenery driving along the Tioga pass - we couldn't stop much (as there wasn't the time) and not very many places to do so (that weren't full of Japanese tourists), but the photos simply wouldn't have done it justice anyway.

Well they say the hospitality in America is legendary, and that it is, but even more so at 415 Sailfish Drive. Had a good cup of English Tea. Well several. Its been that long. Plus a few buns with real butter. I just looked at them and my waist expanded again. And some delicious Spag Bol done with Italian Sausage.

I can also now wash my clothes -woohoo! - (I've only worn my undies 3 or 4 times, they don't smell (much). No wonder Mum and Dad were asleep in the car all the way... I guess that was information y'all didn't need...)

Well today, we're off shopping around the local area then to Ken Wong's for dinner and wine tasting. Should be fun! At least someone else is driving!

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